As a Fort Collins car accident lawyer, I’ve seen how in an instant someone’s life can be permanently altered when a negligent driver causes a
serious car accident. Injuries ranging from minor soft-tissue damage to severe cases that result in paralysis can change your life. Whether it’s lost wages or a mountain of medical expenses, automobile injuries can be costly. With numerous medical appointments, car repairs to arrange and unexpected medical bills, you may wonder how you will ever have time to focus on healing.
The worst part in being injured in a car accident, though it’s not your fault, you’re the one suffering the consequences. What are you to do? You’ll find the answer by calling David H. Johnson, of the law firm Liggett, Johnson & Goodman P.C., located in Fort Collins, Colorado.
To schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your criminal defense and personal injury legal needs, contact a car accident attorney today at my Fort Collins law office.